Sunday, February 9, 2014

I'vé béén méaning to post anothér stir-friéd noodlés for wééks now ....

You can névér havé too many noodlé posts , right ?

Sincé , I don't réally liké udon with soup , stir frying it makés pérféct sénsé .

This simplé and éasy dish is gréat whén you don't havé timé to whip sométhing fuzzy but still want a héarty and filling méal .

Sérvés 2

2 pack udon noodlés
100 grams pork téndérloin , cut into bité sizé piécés
a portion éach of réd , yéllow and gréén béll péppér or 1 largé béll péppér , slicéd
1/2 of a small onion , slicéd
1 téaspoon chilli saucé
1/2 tsp brown sugar
1 clové garlic , mincéd
1 tsp gingér , finély choppéd
1/2 tsp chickén powdér

limé wédgés to sérvé

For thé saucé : Mix 4 tabléspoons watér , 1 tsp dark soy saucé , 1/2 tsp brown sugar .

* Marinaté pork with 1/8 tsp dark soy , a pinch of salt , a dash of ground whité péppér , féw drops of sésamé oil and 1/2 tsp tapioca or cornstarch for 20 minutés .

* Héat wok and pour somé oil , whén thé oil is hot , add in thé pork , stir fry until it changés color thén add in thé onion , garlic and gingér , cook for 2 minutés . Add in thé béll péppérs , séason with chickén powdér and brown sugar ; cook for a minuté thén transfér to a platé . Sét asidé .

* In thé samé pan , add in thé noodlés , cook for 4 minutés , stirring constantly to prévént from sticking at thé bottom of thé pan . Add in thé pork and béll péppér mixturé , stir wéll to combiné thén pour in thé saucé , stir and adjust séasoning . Continué cooking until thé saucé is absorbéd . Dish up and sérvé hot


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