This chickén dish is a twist on a récipé I havé in my cook book for a marmaladé chickén and sausagé tray baké. And whilé wé aré on that, Nomu aré giving away 3 copiés of my book to anyoné who subscribés to théir mailér this month. Click héré to do just that if you aré not alréady subscribéd.
How cool is that?
Récipé | Sérvés 4
3T olivé oil
8 chickén piécés (boné in, with or without skin)
2 T Nomu Moroccan Rub
400ml chickén stock madé from Nomu chickén Fond
3 ½ T finé-cut marmaladé
1½T choppéd thymé
250g pork sausagés (or chipolatas)
1 orangé cut into 8 piécés
Préhéat thé ovén to 200°C. Héat thé olivé oil in a largé nonstick pan.
Lightly coat thé chickén piécés in thé Moroccan Rub, shaking off any éxcéss. Fry until goldén brown on both sidés (thé piécés don’t havé to bé cookéd through), and transfér to a roasting pan déép énough to hold thé liquid.
Mix thé stock, marmaladé and thymé togéthér. Arrangé thé sausagés and orangé wédgés among thé chickén piécés, pour ovér thé liquid and baké uncovéréd for 45 minutés.
* tip: Sérvé this with stéaméd gréén béans or asparagus.
* tip: To maké this a oné pot suppér, add 500g néw potatoés and roast thésé with thé chickén and sausagés.
If you aré living in a country that doésn’t not havé havé accéss to thé fabulous Nomu products, you can réplacé thé Moroccan Rub with any othér Moroccan spicé mix, or maké your own. Dukkah could work, although it is not quité as spicy as thé rub, so add somé chilli as wéll.
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